Living Doll

Living Doll
Living Doll embraces the style of the Australian girl, and aims to inspire young women to feel good, look good and express their individuality through their own clothing. Living Doll is an Australian based company owned by the Hyatt group, continuously flourishing within the fashion industry as a quality and well respected product. The product team and designers are constantly producing fantastic new product, delivered from current fashion trends. With the collection being of European influence, the style team at living Doll are constantly heading to the fashion capitals such as London, New York and Paris, to note overseas trends and to keep up to date with an ever changing market. The company attempts to ensure their Living Doll girls, have fun and feel confident in their clothing, and love the way they look. This season’s collection features edgy, cool pieces embracing feminine and fun styles. As well as producing on trend clothing, Living Doll also fashion a wide range of basic garments including singlets, t-shirts and basic skirts. Living Doll exists as a growing brand, continuously changing to meet the demands of the fashion industry, and seek to ensure the contentment of their customers.

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